17 Daily Practices to Keep You Balanced

  1. Exercise
  2. Eat (or drink) your greens every day
  3. Cold water
  4. Meditate/pray
  5. Journal/reflect
  6. Get outside
  7. Gratitude journaling
  8. Dry skin brushing/hot showers/saunas
  9. Watch/read/look at inspiring videos/pictures/books/articles that make you feel good!
  10. Dream! Spend time thinking about what you love. Forget about possibilities for the time being.
  11. Reacquaint yourself with your life vision
  12. Tend to your appearance and hygiene. Use this as an opportunity to clear yourself of yesterday and start fresh!
  13. Set a to-do list for the next day to re-establish your focus.
  14. Breathe. 4 counts in through the nose. 8 counts out through the mouth. Fill your belly. Let it round like a beautiful pot-bellied pig. You have a lot of goals but you don't need to do them all right now.
  15. Remind yourself that you already have everything you need.
  16. Do things that make you forget about time. A state of "flow".
  17. Learn. Podcasts. Youtube. Google. Books. News. Documentaries. Fill your mind with new ideas and ways of thinking about the world on the daily in order to keep your mind healthy and engaged.


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