How to Achieve True Emotional Freedom

When you think about it, there is actually no such thing as 'good' or 'bad'. "Goodness" and "badness" are on a continuum of the same quality. 

From bad to okay to good to great.

But it's all the same QUALITY just a different end of the spectrum.

Realize that good and bad are just labels we place on things. Who decides what is good and what is bad? Who has conditioned you to feel that way about certain things?

You must realize that we label emotions as such too. All emotions are unique and have their purpose. Once we stop labelling our emotions as either good or bad we will stop feeling guilty for being scared, afraid, angry. And it is healthy to accept all emotions for what they are, rather than trying to push the "bad" ones away.


It is our REPRESSION of our emotions that cause the issues in our lives, not the emotions themselves.

And as we realize that all emotions can be GOOD, in their own way, life becomes a lot more freeing.

Because the very emotion that you are focussing on ignoring will psychologically cause you to think about it more.

It's okay to think a lot. It is okay to feel a lot. It is natural. We are human beings with immense and beautiful mental capabilities. But is in your power, as a conscious being, to use your mind as you wish, not the other way around.

Watch your thoughts and feelings from an outside perspective, without judgement or pressure to change them. Let them come. Let them go.


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