How to Start Doing What You Want to Do With Your Life

When you think about what you want to do with your life it may seem really overwhelming. You might have these big goals or plans; thinking: "This is what I should do. This is what I should do." But when you actually start to do what you thought you wanted to do, you might not even like it or there might be certain aspects of it you don't like. What you need to do instead of thinking about the big, daunting "What Do I Want to Do With My Life?" and think "what do I want to do?"And try it. Explore it.You don't need to do things that are going to give you financial gains. You don't need to think, "how am I going to make a living out of this?". You can have a life that doesn't revolve around getting money. Say you want to do public speaking or coaching, what you can do is get opportunities, make opportunities, and find opportunities for you to speak to other people or to coach other people and see what aspects of it you like. You don't need to make it into a business or make it your whole life - that's really daunting. And you can still have a life without getting paid for your passions.Your passions are what keep you happy in life and sometimes when we put a price tag on them ego can get in the way and it can become something we don't even enjoy anymore. And that's sad because you had this big dream and you let ego get in the way. So what I think is the best thing for you to do is to just allow your passions to unfold. If you love dancing, dance on your own. If you love teaching, teach others.In everyday life. Every opportunity. At work. At the grocery store. At the gym. Anywhere.You don't have to wait until you make it your career.Your career does not make your life.Some people think that once they have their dream job everything is going to be okay, but it just doesn't work that way.

Everything is going to be okay right now because you are doing what you are passionate about now. You dont have to wait until it gives you money. That's a side effect. For now I want you to live your life and focus on doing things you're super excited about and things that make you really happy and things that you just love to do- everyday. And its not daunting. It's something you can do at any time. You don't need to wait until "some day", You can find people in your community that want you to help them. Reach out to others. Reach out for opportunities that interest you. Reach out to people you admire to help you on your journey. Because one of your main purposes is to help others with your unique gift. It doesn't say anything about what you will gain financially from it. Its just how it will make you feel. And you want to go with that feeling and enjoy that feeling because that's what life is about - about enjoying it. It's not about how much money you have. Obviously you need enough money to be comfortable, but at the end of the day enjoy the things you want to do and continue to grow, reach out, and develop, and eventually it will all work out. You don't need to worry about the details right now. Just keep adding to your life with the things you love. Let go and allow the abundance of your dreams to fill your mind and your life.


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