Last night I had a dream about death. And the thing about death is that it reminds of us what it truly means to live.

Life is so precious. We could be gone at any moment...
Take this moment to choose LIFE.
To follow your dreams.
To love others.

To keep your heart sacred.
To truly appreciate and honour your physical body while you are here on this EARTH.

Why NOT be everything you've ever wanted to be?
Why NOT say what you feel, mean what you say, love who you love?
Why NOT me?
You have ONE life.
You have ONE chance.

When you are on your death bed, choking out your last breath - what will go through your head?
This is your sign. Start living today. And don't look back.

Decide today that all your inner dreams that you've pushed aside - that you will bring those back. Your mind has told you that you can't. Your mind has told you to compromise. Your mind has told you what you "realistically" "should" do.

Well if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? Who would you be? Release the inhibitions holding you back between you and your ultimate dream.

You are this person.
You can.
You will.
Why NOT?

Listen to your heart NOW and live each day with NO SHAME and NO REGRETS. It is your time to shine!

No one else can tell you who to be or what you truly want. All the limitations are in your own head. You can choose abundance. You don't need to sacrifice any area of yourself to please another. If you are truly following your ultimate path, it will all fall into place.

All your dreams, talents, skills, and lateral loves and desires will come together. Everything you love is a sign. Everything that makes you feel alive, passionate, excited - its a sign. Any inspiration is from spirit itself and is all here to guide you and tell you what your true path is. What did you love as a chid, before society told you who or what you should love?

That is your calling.
That is your destiny.
And once you find it - life lights up!
Each day you will pop out of bed excited to see the world.
You will be driven
You will be passionate.
You will be filled with love.
This is your calling, your destiny.


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