How to Go Vegan on a Budget

1. Buy your fruits and vegetables frozen
Frozen fruit is great for the winter when fresh produce is more expensive. It is also great because you can stock up so it will always be available in your freezer to make a quick smoothie or thaw and eat directly.
2. Price match
Look through grocery store flyers, or get the Flipp app, to compare stores for the best deals each week on your favorite grocery items.
3. Buy in season / based on sales
Fresh seasonal produce is often cheaper and tastes better. Buy what’s on sale that week. Make substitutions if necessary. Do you love berries and usually choose strawberries to have with your breakfast, but the blackberries are on sale, why not choose to have blackberries in your oats this week instead? Also look for the almost-as-fresh, price-reduced, fruits and veggies in 50% off areas at the back of the produce sections. Sometimes they can be just as good as the regular price produce - but make sure to check them well just in case they aren't!
4. Buy in bulk
When your favorite pantry or frozen items go on sale, stock up.
5. Base meals around low-cost staples
Potatoes, rice, corn, oats, amd pasta are some of the least expensive calorie sources you can get at the grocery store if you are a starch-based vegan. Those who eat more raw can stock up on dates and bananas, or whatever fruit is on sale/in season (as mentioned above)
6. Reduce impulse buys
Impulse buys can cost us money and expand our waistline. Make a list of healthy foods you need for your meals for the week and stick to it. Planning what we are going to eat ahead of time makes your shopping trip streamlined, efficient, and more cost-effective.
7. Bring your own bags
Save the environment and save some more cash at the same time - it’s a win-win situation.


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