How to Deal With Feelings of Shame

A lot of people feel almost permanently ashamed of themselves and this can lead to a downward spiral of depression and addictive behaviours. We must realize that all emotions have a purpose, and when we use them to our advantage, show us the way to a better life. When we feel any emotion we perceive as negative, we must take a look at why we feel that way, what we have been doing that’s been making us feel that way, and learn about what we should do in order to effectively use that emotion for our greater good.

In the case of shame, healthy shame is there to tell us when we are doing something that is not in alignment with our moral standards, and thus we should then use this feeling in order to catalyze a positive change.

We must realize that we are valuable and we deserve and are worthy of living a life that feels morally acceptable for us. We must realize that we have the power to be who we want to be through creating personal rules and boundaries for ourselves and to do the things that will make us feel proud of ourselves at the end of the day.

When you feel guilty, it says nothing about who you are. You are not a failure. You are not immoral. You are not disgusting. You are not a bad person. You feel horrible simply because you have done something that doesn’t align with your beliefs about who you should be. Thank the shame for showing you that you are out of alignment, that you are off track, because then you can see your TRUE PATH that much clearer!

This is the opportunity to reassess who you truly want to be, and to make the PERSONAL CHOICE to turn away from those BEHAVIOURS and ACTIONS that are keeping you from being truly happy with yourse

This is the opportunity to refrain. To stop. To be strong. To strengthen your boundaries. To make a concrete commitment. To set a clear outline. To make concrete rules. To create a plan of action that feels right to you.

Protect yourself. Be discrete.

And trust yourself to follow through.



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