5 Simple Hacks to Manage a HUGE Appetite

I have one or the hugest appetites on the planet. Here are some tricks that work for me! Let me know in the comments below what works for you!

1. Eat regularly
Set regular meal times for you to eat. And make sure they are spaced in a way that you don’t get yourself too hungry. Getting too hungry is a recipe for diet disaster. Eating every 3-4 hours is a good timeframe for. Let people. Feel free to experiment what works for you.

2. When you eat - take your time!
When you sit down for a meal, allow yourself about half an hour or so to really enjoy your meal. This will allow you to not only savour the flavours of your food, increasing your satiation, but it also gives your body time to register “I’m full” signals from the stomach to the brain. Keeping a relaxed attitude and atmosphere around food also lowers stress hormones, preventing us from want to overeat or stress eat more than we need to.

3. Plan your meals in advance
If we plan what we are having for the day, along with the times we are going to eat,  then we can mentally and physically relax knowing that we have a delicious meal in a few hours. We don’t need to shove every single food we can find in a desperate effort to get enough food. We know here will be more soon. And we have planned for something that is not only filling, but that we will also enjoy, in order to keep us content with our diet. How much more do you enjoy that piece of chocolate when you plan on having it for dessert versus when you are searching through the cupboards, taking bites of random sweets, in order to feel satisfied after a meal? And plus you save way more calories to plan in your treats than letting yourself go on an unplanned binge.

4. Eat the foods you love
I touched on this in number 3 above, but I’ll say it again, make sure you plan to eat meals you love! There are plenty of healthy and low calorie food choices. You don’t need to eat what someone else eats or what you think you should eat. Don’t like salads? You don’t need to eat salads. You can eat other veggies instead. Don’t like broccoli? Eat cauliflower. Don’t like rice? Eat whole grain bread for your carbs instead. Or sweet potato. Don’t like chicken? Eat fish. Never eat something just because you have to or you will want to keep eating out of dissatisfaction. Plan a diet of all the foods and meals that you love, organized in a way that will ensure you reach your goals and you have found the secret to long lasting diet success!

5. Volume eating
Nothing satisfies a big eater more than a ginormous bowl of food. Take advantage of low-calorie veggies to add major volume to regular meals. Cauliflower or zucchini can be shredded into your morning oats. Zucchini can be shredded into muffins and baked goods. Replace or swap some of your pasta for spiralized zucchini, spiralized carrots, or spaghetti squash. Add mushrooms, spinach, onions, or green peppers to your morning eggs. Or make anything into a salad. Seriously. Cut up your pizza and throw it into a salad. You can make a pizza flavoured salad worth marinara sauce, green peppers, onions, oregano, chicken, pepperoni, pineapple - whatever you like. Salada are so filling and so versatile. Be creative. Use lean ground meat, onions, pickles, ketchup, mustard, and relish to make a big hamburger salad. Make the base any type of greens such as spinach, kale, iceberg, or romaine. I don’t know about you but I find a big huge bowl of hamburger salad more filling than a dinky little dollar menu burger (and it’s less calories too!). There are tons more way to volume eat. When you eat dinner, fill half your plate (at least wire veggies). Or have a salad or soup as a starter - this is actually a proven way to reduce your overall calorie intake for the meal and for the day.

Love, Amanda


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