What to Do When You’ve Gained Back All Your Weight

It’s okay. It’s happened to every single one of us.

Just do a quick Google search and you will see how many people have gone through the same thing. And how many have picked themselves up and dusted themselves off and have decided to start again. And how that was the best decision they have ever made. The decision not to give up on their dreams, but to try again.

Even Britton, former NFL player once said of one of his lowest moments, “It’s never so bad that you can’t come out of that hole”

Never forget that.

As Terri savelle says, in her book, Imagine Big:
“If you are on the verge of giving up right now, be encouraged that you are close to victory. You are close to your dream. My dad believes that feeling as if you have no choice but to quit is always an indication that your breakthrough is right around the corner.” Your breakdown means you’re on the way to a breakthrough.

It is those moments when we hit our lowest lows that we can break through and become even better on the other side.

As coach Drew Canole (@drewcanole) says, “Just when you feel like you are about to have a breakdown, realize your are just 1 step away from a breakthrough”. So take the next step. Now. Today.

This may just be your time. It may have never worked out for you before. No matter what has happened in the past, you will discover the perfect steps to achieve your goal. You have been searching and searching. Don’t stop searching. Don’t stop striving. 
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” - Matthew 7:7-8.

Don’t be ashamed you’ve dieted for years and it’s got you to this point. Be proud that you tried. As Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid to never try.

It’s like hitting a target. Maybe you’ve missed in a million ways. Maybe you’ve been screwing up your whole life. But when you think about it, the more you’ve been off target, the better you will be able at discerning where your true target is. So learn from all those failed arrows, wind up, and hit the bullseye. 🎯 This is your time. I believe in you. Believe in yourself.

There is a quote I read on Instagram from Toronto-based personal trainer and fitness coach that explains: “Give yourself the next two years to achieve your goals, and by month 9 you’ll have the answers and solutions for why your last six 3-month efforts never worked. You aren’t going to have all the answers when you start. You find them when you don’t stop” - Chad Hargrove (@ChadHargroveMP). This is so true.

And from UK personal trainer Sam Frolich (@sam_xceedfit): “It will take years of trial and error to understand your body and stay in control”.

Not only do you have to learn what works for your body in terms of your food choices, you have to find what works for you in terms of mindset, of self control, of perseverance, of dedication. Of what keeps you going.

You have gained experience and self knowledge from your past. You have the immense power and control to use this for your full advantage to make the future amazing, bright, and exciting for yourself. You know more about your feelings. About your frustrations, your excitements, your pride, your joy. You have the ability to use this all to your advantage to create the life of your dreams.

And so now you can feel empowered because you know exactly what to do this time around. You’ve done it before, you can do it again. And knowing what you know now you can take all those failures and see them for what they really are - lessons.

This is your new start. This is your opportunity.And you are ready to commit. You are excited. You have your tracking sheets you have your vision board you have your measurements and your plan and now it’s time to hit the races and prove your worth to yourself. I believe in you. You can do it. And I’ll be there for you every step of the way if you need support. Take care and crush your goals, you are WORTH having EVERYTHING you desire in this world. The world is your oyster. Believe it. Cherish it. Take action. Live it. Live your dreams. And never stop until you’re proud.

“If a bride stays true to her vision she can overcome any obstacle.”- Say Yes to the Dress (TLC).

Refuse to believe in anything except your dream. Your ideal. Your true wants and desires. You can have it all.

“You had the power all along, my dear” - Glinda, the Good Witch (Wizard of Oz)

Love, Amanda 


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