How to Achieve Your Dreams

I am so lucky have found God and to see that in others. To have others around me who are supportive and loving and nurturing and truly only want the best for me. The people who continually want to see me grow as a person to become that person that I was always meant to be. I really can’t thank everyone enough for all that they’ve done in my life. And these people don’t even know it and I will never fully be able to explain the bliss and joy and gratitude and grace and love and egoless pride I feel when I wake up every morning.

I don’t know what else to do but to thank God and use this positive energy to help other people. I know what my mission is on this Earth but more than ever I know now it takes time. I used to be frustrated and disappointed and ashamed of myself. But anything truly worth having in this fast-paced world of instant gratification takes time. These small steps may feel insignificant, they do. And you feel like you’re never going to possibly be all that you dream of. But that is reality. That is how it works. You must release the frustration and disappointment and fears that go along with creating something new. Trust that when you don’t give up and commit every day to work on your dreams, even if it is just for a small amount of time, even 15 minutes, you are manifesting.

And you must believe it. You must believe that these tiny insignificant changes will add up. And yes, it will be hard to have that faith and keep that faith in this process. But let me promise you this: eventually you WILL start to notice.

You will go through periods of feeling like nothing is changing and then you will have amazing moments where it feels like everything is coming together in your life. So regardless of how you feel or what seems to be happening to your or how well you perceive you are doing, no matter what, you must continue to do what you set out to do, and believe you are making a difference.

You must trust the physical laws of the universe. Of cause and effect. Of the work and the materialization that is bound to occur. You a plan. It will work. So just work.

One impossibly beautiful day you will look back and realize that every moment counted. They all added up. To something even more than you could have ever imagined.

Please don’t ever stop. Keep going. Keep climbing. Keep working working working every day. Keep crawling, if you need to. No matter what, you are going to succeed. You are going to achieve all you could ever ask for and more. You will be noticed and appreciated and valued, by the person that matters most - yourself. Your whole life will change for you.

All because you decided. You decided what you wanted. You decided what you needed to do to get there. And you did it. You committed. Throughout all your highs and lows and throughout your trials and tribulations. Every day. You did what you needed to do to get you where you’ve always wanted to go.

You are 100% capable of achieving the goals you set out for yourself.

Get up, get out, and make things happen for once in your life. Your ultimate dream life is in your power to achieve. The way you’ve always wanted and nothing less.

And it is one step, one decision away.

You have every right on this Earth to make your ultimate dream world a reality. Don’t ever give up on your damn self. Don’t you dare ever give up on the true life waiting for you on the other side. The future is yours.


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