Why It’s Okay to be Insecure

Being insecure means you are stepping outside of your comfort zone. And only when we step outside of our comfort zone can we potentially have a new outcome for ourselves. Only when we leave the comfort of our own life can we truly see what’s out there. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your life. Don’t be afraid to take a risk.

It will feel unbearable sometimes. Like you have a knot in the pit of your stomach. You will feel unsafe, uncertain, scared. You will feel like your feet are never really hitting the floor. Like you have no space safe enough to hide away to. Like you have nowhere to run. Like you are vulnerable and are open to be wounded without warning.You have put yourself out there. You took a risk. You took a chance. And it’s scary because you don’t know the outcome. And you won’t and you can’t know the outcome and it leaves you on edge in fear of what could happen. The what if’s are eating you alive, gnawing at your soul and keeping you clinging to those around you in a desperate attempt to achieve some sort of validation that you’ll be okay and that things will be okay. A fruitless attempt to feel assured about something that cannot be promised. Ever.

Now stop and think about what the best possible outcome could be. This is what I want you to focus on. What you focus on you create. Why be scared of the future and what could go wrong and how devastated you will be (negative) when you can dream instead (positive). You don’t know what will happen either way, so why not be happy for what is in the moment, focus on what you’d love to happen, and know that you are fully capable of being practical and realistic if you do end up in an unfortunate situation.

At the end of the day, your perception of your life creates your reality more than the actual reality of your life could ever do.

Continually choose to view risks as opportunities for amazing outcomes. Believe in the best. Believe it is possible for you. It will happen. You will succeed. You will achieve your dream. You can be certain in this. It’s not even a question. Your risks will turn out for the best in the end, whether you see it now or not.


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