Why You Need to Let Them Go

Sometimes letting people go is the best thing you can do for yourself. It’s not easy. We run from loss. We fear loss. We fear the sense of nothingness we will feel without that person. We avoid it at all costs, even staying in unhealthy or dangerous situations. We fear the hurt, the pain. The emptiness.

We forget that we are whole. That we will feel even more full, as a person, and in ourselves, when we release the grip.

We attach ourselves to people, places, things. We want to own them. We give them our hurts and we use them to heal us.

If having someone in your life is causing you pain, is taking your focus, is holding you back. My God girl, you need to let it go.

No one is ever going to taint your identity. No human is ever going to take away from your sense of self. I forbid it.

You are scared of what you will lose when you let them go.

But you know what’s worse?

Losing yourself in the process of trying to hold on to something THAT WAS NEVER MEANT FOR YOU.

It will hurt. You will feel alone. If you didn’t let them go, you would feel even more alone, because you would be losing yourself in the process.

If you don’t have yourself, you have nothing.

We long for things outside ourselves to make us happy. To make us feel whole. The perfect boyfriend. The mansion with the white picket fence. The fancy sports car. The perfect job.

We try try try so hard to obtain this external sense of perfection. We want to look like we have it together. We want to look like we are successful, attractive, stable, well off. We struggle day in and day out, constantly an uphill battle.

We forget that what we truly want is to feel that our lives have meaning.

Nothing external to you can ever fulfill.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle that we lose the reason. The spark. The passion.


If something is not lighting you up anymore, why? What needs to change? What is important to you now? Dig out and untangle the roots of your life.

It is time for an upheaval. It is time to plant yourself firmly into your new destiny and move forwards. Alone.


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