Find Your Peace in the Pain

It isn’t always easy to feel safe. It isn’t always easy to feel okay. Nothing in life is ever promised to us. We have goals, we have ambitions. But to continually grow we must step outside ourselves, we must reach to that next level. We have to “jump the cliff”, so to speak, from one self to the next. And it’s scary. We feel uncertain. We do not feel like ourselves. We question whether we will be okay, whether things will work out for ourselves. We take life so seriously; every decision. Every decision could lead us to a downward spiral into failure. Into that bottomless pit of despair. Into the rabbit hole of depression. And it scares you. Life feels like a slippery slope. And when you hit the bottom it’s dark and there is nowhere out. And you are trapped. Trapped in your own despair. You feel incompetent and incapable and stuck in that existence...

It’s hard. It’s hard as hell.

But it’s not impossible.

Why can’t you believe?

Why can’t you trust?

Why can’t you relax?

Where is your place of solace?

Where is your grounding?

Where is your safe spot?

Find it. The pain will subside. You deserve to rest. You deserve to feel safe. You need to take a step back. To be okay. Let yourself be okay. It’s all okay. It will all be okay. It will always be okay. You are here. You are alive. Stop. Pause. Let go. You will love yourself and continue to love yourself no matter what happens. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Ask yourself what you need in this moment.

What do you need? Right now?

This moment is all you have. Take it.

The rest will take care of itself.


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