Never Give Up on Your God-Given Dreams

What do you want?

What are you willing to do to get there?

Every action has a response. Every choice has benefits and drawbacks.

What matters to you?

What are you willing to do and what are you not willing to do? Your values determine what matters to you. You get to choose. If what you need to do is not something you are willing to do, adjust the plan.

You deserve to live a life that has everything you could have ever wanted.

No compromise.

You can find that.

You just have to work with the laws of the universe. Of cause and effect. As long as you are within these limits you can create and become and have anything you desire. It’s a fact. There are lots of paths to the same outcome. The complexities yet simplicity of life. Find your path. And keep seeking until you do.

Owning up to our own wants and needs is a beautiful thing. To realize that what we truly want is possible. Your truth. No one else’s.

Own up to what’s holding you back. Why are you not where you want to be? You must love yourself enough to feel your worth. To know that your value is infinite, everlasting, and uncontainable. Your ultimate and overwhelming dreams and goals are a God-given gift. Push through the limiting beliefs. Push through the pain. Beauty and pride rests in self-sacrifice.

Discipline. Commitment. Blood and sweat and tears and pain. Rip open the wounds.

Rise. Rise above this sad existence.

It pains me to see you trapped. Weighed down. Alone. Scared. Depressed. Afraid.

You deserve more.

You deserve passion and excitement and beauty and love. You deserve joy and goodness and peace. You deserve to feel like you are worth it and that you are good enough. And only then can you reach your true potential.

Your heart is there for a reason. For you to live out. Anything less than fully living through your heart is undermining the creation we are. The Godly beings we are. We have the power. We have the opportunity. Your life is brief. Your love must be large. Your influence must me large. You must keep going. Keep pushing. Keep working to fully express and share the gifts inside your soul that have been bursting and bubbling over and have caused you pain and tension and fear. You have been covering the problem. Repressing. To meet the expectations of the “shoulds” of the world. Why? Based on what? Who’s opinion is greater than Gods?

Please tell me that.

And please tell me, how much closer to God can we get than inside our own self?

We are His creation.
We are His manifestation.
We are created in His image.

He has created you to make Heaven here on Earth. You are a prophet. A saviour. A healer of the world. It is your destiny. And to fail to fully express the ultimate expression of that God inside you will only lead you to shame, guilt, unhappiness, and an unhealthy life sabotaged by worldly possessions and obtainments.

No worldly obtainment can give any minuscule amount of peace satisfaction love truth beauty or calmness as knowing we are making a difference. We are changing lives.

Every hour of the day. Keeping the light inside you close to your heart. Constantly focused on that Godly beauty that emanates from your soul. Spreading it sharing it. Expressing it. Always. Consistently. Give in the the light. Working. Work work work. Focus on your work. The outcomes will come. The manifestation will appear. Like a dream. But your focus is on your action. Spirit cannot move this physical world like we can.

He has the soul but we have the hands. We have the tongues. We have the bodies. We have the hearts. Pumping. Every day. And each day you wake up you must know your true significance. You are made from the dust of stars. A magical creation unlike anything that has ever walked on this Earth. Your power is unimaginable. Your influence is immense. Each small action creates a cascade of a New World. A New Earth. Don’t you ever let this gift be taken as anything less than the ultimate possession you could ever have in this world, the gift to touch others and to make a difference in this world.

God will guide you and show you what your purpose is. Your only choice is to listen in.


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