Turn to God

When you are feeling overwhelmed. When you are feeling burdened. When you are feeling lost, scattered, alone, afraid, heartbroken.

Turn to God.

And don’t get me wrong, you don’t need to be a Christian or a Buddhist or any other religion. No.

You just need to be you.

Believe what you believe. Believe what fills your soul. What fills your cup.

No, spirituality is a unique and personal JOURNEY. There is no end. Your beliefs and values and perceptions will change over time. Allow it.

No, God is not a person, a place, or a thing. But it can be all at once.

You see God is everywhere.

In the first cup of coffee in the morning. The look in your boyfriend’s eyes.The warm comfort of a fresh bubble bath. The stars in the sky. The city lights at night. The crisp breeze of an autumn day. A hug. A smile. A dance.

God is joy. God is love. God is light. And God is everywhere, if you choose to find it.

God is purity. Simplicity. Honesty. Truth. God is patience. God is kindness. God is beauty. God is a feeling. But no, it is more than a feeling.

It is a knowing. A connection. When something just *clicks*. You can’t define it. You can’t describe it. But you know.

You know there is a higher presence. You know this is more than physical. For this is the spiritual side of life. The side where dreams are formed. Where your imagination is set free.

The realm of infinite possibility. Of unlimited potential. Of creation.

This is where your power is. The power to create your life. To find yourself. To experience life for all it is meant to be.

You have only one choice to experience this heaven on Earth.

And that’s to give in to doubts. To give in to fear. To give in to shame and pain and regret and discouragement. Own up to your failures and feelings and experiences and life. And release them. Release them all. Watch them fade. They will fade. And when they do, the glass will clear.

Give in to God. Give in to the light. Give in to life.


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