You Are Never Hopeless

Remember that it’s never too late. You can always gain more weight. You can always lose more weight. You can always lose more muscle if you need to or gain more muscle if you want. Strength. Endurance. Speed. Anything you lose can be gained again. Anything you gained can be lost again. Nothing is ever final. Your metabolism is never ruined. You can always rebuild it. Nothing is ever permanent. The good nor the bad.

“Re-set, re-adjust, re-start, re-focus as many times as you need.”

“It’s never too late for a new beginning in your life”

When you feel hopeless remember that nothing is ever certain. Things can and will always change. It’s never a dead end. You never need to throw in the towel. Never give up. Even if the goal feels far away right now, it does not matter. Time is irrelevant. Focus in the direction of your goals and never look back. Your day will come.


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