Finding Freedom through Self Love

No one is going to take care of you the way you can take care of yourself. No one knows your innate needs, wants and desires. Take away the power other people have to make you happy and feel that way on your own. You are fully capable. You may not have been loved in the past. You may have been hurt and betrayed and lied to. You may have never had a role model of what true love is and what true love can be.

And you may think of this as a curse.

But it is a blessing.

Why? Because now you have the ability to create your own kind of love. The love that you always needed but never received. And once you know every little thing that makes you feel special, whole, loved, you can give that all to yourself.

This is the greatest gift you can give yourself, and the greatest gift you can give the world.

Imagine the world like the human body. Each organ, tissue, system has a function. If even one cell becomes damaged, the whole function of the body becomes thrown off.

Heal yourself and you, bit by bit, start to heal the world.

Love yourself and bit by bit, you will be able to share that love more and more with the others around you.

Be a candle in the dark, lighting up others around you. Be an ember ready to spark a flame in someone else.

It is your mission to love yourself. Fully, completely, unconditionally. And to take care of yourself like the creation of God that you are. Respect your body, your mind, your soul.

Imagine you are your own parent. Imagine you are a small child. Treat your thoughts and feelings with patience and curiosity.

Imagine a screaming child. Will yelling at the child make her feel better? No, she will cry more. Now ask that child, why are you screaming? How can I help you? And oftentimes she will pause. Choke back a tear. And look puzzled. Why? Because she had to stop screaming and crying about how bad she felt and actually take the time to consider her thoughts. And from that place, from being patient and curious enough to examine our thoughts from a place of non-judgment, can we learn what it is that is truly hurting us and causing us to “cry out” in our lives.

And this is the secret to working through our past traumas and pain and hurts, through patience and curiosity. From a place of unconditional love. From a place of acceptance. Of non-judgement. To become the observer and to see what patterns in our minds and our hearts are causing us to feel guilt, shame, hurt, and what we need to accept or change in order to resolve the conflict.

Never be afraid to listen to your inner thoughts, your inner feelings, and the dreams you have for yourself. Anything that inspires you is from “spirit”. Allow your spirit to guide you. It always has your greater good in mind. And if you trust it, it will lead you on the path of your Highest Self.

Trust in God. Trust in the universe. Trust that through digging deep and letting go we will clear away what is no longer meant for us in order to find the purest version of ourselves we buried long ago. The version of ourselves corrupted by our past hurts and pains and traumas and the thing we call life. This is the true you. The version of ourselves that we have always been, on the inside. Open up to your truth and let your unique light, beauty, and power shine.

Trust that it is your time to flourish.


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