Why You are Not Where You Want to Be

Through knowing ourselves completely we can get clarity on what really matters to us. On what is really important. It is so valuable for us to really know what we really want. That’s the first step. Without awareness of what truly matters to us and what will bring us ultimate fulfillment we will never be truly happy with our lives. This sense of spinning our wheels. We need to overcome this. And we can. Through exploration and meditation we can connect with our deeper desires. With what we really want. On what lights us up. And sometimes we will feel fleeting moments of this. Of this joy and happiness and freedom. Follow these feelings. Follow the good. Let it lead your life. It’s not easy but it’s necessary to sit down and recollect your thoughts. Re evaluate your life. Where are you now? Where do you want to be? Where is the disconnect? What needs to change in your life to take you from where you are to where you want to be?

Make a list. Of everything you want. I don’t care if it seems crazy. Take the time to fantasize about the ultimate reality for you. What you would really like to achieve.

Now write down where you are now.

Why are you not at point B?

What are your habits now?

What would you need to do and what kind of person would you need to be to be that person you want to be?

Write down the qualities you would have. Write down the daily habits this person would have (a.k.a what would they need to do every day to have all those qualities you desire?).

You can put this away for now. But reflect on this new self image for you want to be. Reflect on yourself. What are you WILLING to change? We all have free will. But we need the will.

What is your why?
Your truer deeper why?
Keep asking yourself “why” again and again until you get to the deeper root of the issue. Why it truly matters to you.

Your why is what will keep you going when times are tough.

Make sure your why is meaningful to you. If your goals are not deeply meaningful to your values as a person you will never achieve them, because other things in your life will be more important.

Accept that and accept yourself for wanting what you want and needing what you need.

But give up on the limiting beliefs and conflicting values that may be holding you back from something that truly matters to you.


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