How to Stop Using the Scale and Lose Weight For Good

When you create a visual countdown towards your goals then you can clearly see your progress. Rather than just relying on the scale, you can see the time you have dedicated towards reaching your health and fitness goals. Make a checklist and every day that you do what you need to do to achieve your goals you can give yourself a check mark or colour in the squares. This will hold you accountable without having to rely on the scale. You know that eating better and exercising more will help you achieve your goal. If you are eating less and moving more you will lose weight. So instead of focussing on the outcome on the scale, which is no DIRECTLY related to you habits, we can focus on the healthy changes we are making.

Isn't this a much more beautiful and helpful and kind way to measure our progress? How many times have you had an amazing week and stepped on the scale to see no change. Or an increase. How dejected were you? And how did it make you feel? Did it make you want to give up and binge eat, or, to starve yourself (which subsequently leads to binge eating)?? Then how about those weeks when you didn't go as regularly to the gym as you wanted and slacked off, only to see the scale decrease? Did you feel like you "beat the system"?

The best way to monitor our progress is to reinforce the habits and track our habits. Why? Because they are the only things that will help us achieve our goals and maintain them. The scale doesn't directly show at all how hard you worked and how much better you have become. How much you've learned. How much you grown. Some weeks you will learn so much more about yourself than others. Often, our mistakes and shortcomings act as experiments to find out what truly works for us. And we might think of these as failures. But they're not. The more we find out what doesn't work for us, the more we can eliminate it. Eventually, by process of elimination, we will find out what works most optimally for ourselves. We are all individuals with different lifestyles, personalities, preferences, wants, desires, and needs. Take the time to explore. To experiment. You are young. Any step backwards is two steps forward, if you aim to see the lesson in the failure and the blessing in the lesson.

Keep doing you. Keep learning. Keep growing. You are never going backwards you are always learning more and more about what's true to you. Keep positive, stay strong, and know that you can. Believe you can and you're halfway there.


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