When You Feel Lost on Your Weight Loss Journey

The destination will come. You just need to focus on direction. Speed doesn’t matter. Direction does.

Realign your compass every day to match the destination. Walk in that direction. Each day you have the opportunity to reset, regroup, and figure out exactly which direction you need to head. Just keep going. Just keep going eventually you will find the oasis in the desert. It’s not hard. The hard part is all in our minds. For wishing and praying for something to be our when it is still miles away and this can make us give up. But you never know how close you are to that watering hole and oasis a pool of water. Take time to have breaks. To get your mind off the journey. It’s not easy because we get so focused on what we need to do we forget the big picture and the overall purpose of it all. Never forget this.

Never forget that you have the choice each day to re align yourself. Regroup. And you have time today to take a break from the grind. Stop pushing and allow yourself to just be sometimes. Heaven forbid we struggle for 15 years through the desert and then we get to the pool and we say now what? Your focus has been too tight. You need to expand your horizons and expand your mind. You have limited yourself. You have placed yourself in a box. And you need to step outside that box. You need to see the outside perspective. You need to get out of your routine and see what’s out there. You need to explore, free of worry, knowing you will be brought back to your right path again. It is easy and life is a constant flow so allow the flow rather than trying to fight the tides allow the river of life to bring you to the ocean. It is all yours.


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