Embrace Your Truth

You are beautiful in your imperfections.

You are beautiful for all your flaws and habits. Why? Because they are unique to you. They make you interesting. They make you special. They make you unlike anyone that anyone else has ever met before.

And they will never meet someone like you again.

Never forget the beauty in being just who you are. Fully.

Fully be everything you’ve always wanted to be. Fully be everything you desire yourself to be. You deserve to.

God did not put you on this earth to be a carbon copy. To be a second-rate version of someone else. He put you on this earth to fully shine as the person you are. Nothing more, nothing less.

And I ask you, every day, to please never ever ever forget the light that is within you. The amazing bright white light that resides inside your body. You are not your body. You are your soul. And this is who you are. Never forget that.

Your soul is never changing. It is constant. No matter what you go through in your world, you have this internal sense of peace and stability deep within your soul. And it is there whenever you need it. It is pure. Unadulterated. Free. Loving. Kind. Peaceful. It is compassionate and worldly and exotic and enticing and wonderful and any other adjective you would want it to be. And it is yours. Always. To fall back into when you need to.

This world is hard.

Life is tough.

But you are worthy. You are strong. You are beautiful. And you are whole. You. For the bright light of your soul; of who you are.

Embrace your unique qualities. Embrace your intricacies. Embrace your dark bits. Your emotional bits. The rough bits. Embrace it all. For it makes you real.

And maybe that’s all we need in this world, a little more real in a sea of false visions and misinterpretations. In a world of shallow longing and fruitless desires.

To remember that the only what’s true will rise.

And one day you will look back on your life and realize you lived with authenticity. With passion. With love. With truth, to yourself.

And you will realize, it was everything you ever wanted, and more.


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