Why You Need to Stop Searching for “the Answer”

Are you a seeker?

Well you also need rest. We can search and search and that’s great and wonderful and we will find and expose ourselves to various information to listen to but at the end of the day you need to process.

Allow yourself to process.


You want to accomplish so much. You have a fire inside your soul that will never die down. You have been blessed with this huge purpose and passion, but you need to ALLOW yourself time to process and to heal and to rebalance.

The weight and the opinions of others need to be settled into ourselves. We need to choose what to keep and what to let go. We will not know the answer right away. Allow yourself time to let the answer come to you. There are tons of experiences that have shaped our past and shaped who we are today. Those experiences add up and are all in our minds, whether consciously or subconsciously. We need to give ourselves time to meditate and rest and sift through all these subconscious thoughts and feelings from our past. To meditate and bring them to consciousness to understand the lesson they hold for us in terms of our personal growth. Every day you can commit to spending an hour to meditate to journal to allow yourself to feel the painful emotions. This will help you grow like nothing else. Because you are going to become more and more patient with yourself and tolerant of discomfort and that impatience and inability to tolerate discomfort is what is holding you back. Is keeping you addicted to immediate pleasures and focussing on doing too much because you think you need to resolve everything today. To allow yourself to sit with the feelings and know many times they resolve on their own. On realizing that you have the time.


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