The ONLY Ab Exercise You Need for a Tiny Waist

Don't waste your time on countless crunches, planks, or knee raises. If your goal is thick, blocky abs - sure, then do all the heavy ab exercises you like. If your goal is greater core stability, then planks, dead bugs, and wood choppers are great.

However, if getting a smaller waist is your goal - then all these exercises, although they may give you more muscle definition so you look more "toned", will more than likely add inches to your waist, rather than subract.

There is only one exercise you need to do to cinch in your waist - no waist trainer necessary - and that is "the vacuum".

The stomach vacuum works on the "transverse abdominis", or "TVA" for short. Basically, you can think of the TVA as an internal girdle (or "waist trainer" as they call it these days). Therefore, the more often and longer you activate and strengthen this muscle, the tighter you will be able to pull in your waist - without adding the extra bulk as you would when doing loaded oblique or rectus abdominis (your 6 pack muscle) exercises.

So forget about gruelling 40 minute ab workouts and stick to the simple routine below - and make it a daily staple. All the best bikini pro bodybuilders use this technique to showcase an hourglass figure on stage, and now you can too! (photo below from adairlibbrecht, 2023 Toronto Pro silver medal winner, bikini class).


  1. First thing in the morning, on an empty stomachm find a firm, flat surface and lay on your back.
  2. Exhale fully.
  3. Pull your stomach in as if you were pulling your belly button in towards your the back of your spine. Some people also like to imagine there is a tight cord around their waist, pulling it in as much as possible.
  4. Allow yourself to breathe normally as you keep your belly button pulled in for as long as possible.
  5. Exhale and relax.
  6. Start with holding the vacuum for 5-10 seconds, working up each day as you can, up to a 1 minute-long hold.
  7. Start with 1-3 sets per day, as time allows, and work up to 5 sets for maximum results.
Remember, it should get easier over time as you get mpre in-tune with your mind-muscle connection. Also, try to stick with it for at least a month before analying your results. And remember, only when combined with an appropriate fat-loss dietwill you truly get the full effects.

Let me know how stomach vacuums have affected your own figure in the comments below!


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