5 Secrets to Lowering High Cholesterol (Even if you already eat healthy and exercise)

High cholesterol - we all know it's not good for us. Having higher cholesterol is associated with a higher risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. We must make sure our arteries are clean and free to move the blood throughout our bodies in order to protect our bodies throughout our lives. The problem is, many people think they are doing everything right and their cholesterol is STILL high. I've been there. And despite our best efforts, there are some sneaky ways we are sabotaging our best efforts. Read ahead to find out what you can do to get that cholesterol number down even further, even when you believe your diet and exercise plan is prisitine.
  1. Cut out the instant coffee.
    This one surprised me the most when I found out about this. I would have a decaf instant coffee every morning on my low-fat, high-fiber vegan weight loss diet, yet my cholesterol wouldn't budge. Alas it all made sense. Studies show that unfiltered coffee can increase cholesterol. If you are doing everything right through your diet and lifestyle and are still stuck at a cholesterol that is higher than you would like, try cutting out the french press and instant coffees. Instead, switch back to regular brewed coffee. The trick is to make sure your coffee is filtered, which helps limit the cholesterol-increasing compounds in your brew.

  2. Avoid trans fats like the plague.
    Although you may be eating healthy most of the time, the occasional splurge on some packaged treats may be setting you back. Although the addition of trans fats are banned in some countries, in some places trans fats are common in baked goods, margarines, crackers, and other processed foods. Check the labels. Any foods which contain trans fats should be out of the picture for your health. In addition, even though the package may claim 0g of trans fats - check the label. Avoid any foods that contain "hydrogenated" or even "modified" oils. Even if they do not necessarily contain trans fats, you never know how modified oils may react in the body. If I see a product made with oils that would normally be liquid at room temperature, but the product is solid in form, I would be very suspicious of how that product would behave in my body and would advise you to avoid it as well.

  3. Eat less meat, eggs, dairy.
    Even if we choose the leanest cuts of steak, chicken, fish, or the fat-free versions of dairy products, they still contain cholesterol. Although saturated and trans fats seem to be the most important compounds to limit to lower our cholesterol, dietary cholesterol can also lead to higher-than-optimal blood cholesterol levels. Try swapping your eggs for egg whites (which are cholesterol free) and substituting some of your animal-based proteins for vegan protein options, when you are able to fit them into your macros, as much as possible.

  4. Watch your vegan food choices.
    Even if you are plant based, vegetarian, or vegan, you can still have high cholesterol due to the saturated fat content found in coconut or palm oils. Unfortunately, in many plant-based alternatives to animal-based foods, such as whipped cream, ice cream bars, yogurts, cheeses, margarines,dressings, burgers, etc. contain high amounts of saturated fat. Often the dairy-feel is replaced with coconut oil. That creates issues because coconut oil is very high in saturated fat, and saturated fat is.

  5. Lose more weight.
    Still have some extra flab to grab? Not at your ideal leanness? That's okay! We are all on this journey together. And remember - this is a journey for LIFE not just for a show or for a one-day event. As long as you follow the diet tips, macro-friendly recipes, and find a system that works for you - the pounds should just slide off. Remember to be consistent and enjoy the journey and imagine how great you will feel when you finally have that dream body. With the right knowledge and a continuation of this lifestyle, you will have your dream body for life. Just let the experience happen and do it's magic. Most people have a drop in cholesterol as they lose more weight. So not only will you feel better, you should have a benefit to not only your cholesterol, but your blood pressure, heart rate, and other health measures. What a win-win situation!
I hope you enjoyed this list and it gave you some insights into why you may still be having high cholesterol readings despite your best efforts at a healthy diet and exercise routine. If all else fails, and you have followed all the tips to a T, then remember that to a certain extent, high cholesterol levels may be tied to genetics. In that case, as long as we are living as healthy a lifestlye as we can, we will limit our risk of heart disease despite our high blood readings. In addition, it is often useful to look at your ratios of HDL:LDL. Although some people have high total cholesterol, their HDL to LDL ratio is optimal. In this specific case, the higher HDL relative to LDL cholesterol may be heart-protective. This advice is not meant as medical advice, simply the scientific research simplified and summarized for you to understand, so please talk to your doctor if you feel necessary about any health issues you may have.

Thank you for reading!


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